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Driven With Aloha Spirit!

Go LOCAL ~ NO eMissions!

Keep Hawaii Green!

Aloha! Eʻkomo mai!

IMUA Invites YOU to take a moment of your time and consider the purpose of your journey to Hawaii!


Once you arrive, IMUA, would like to be your source of transportation to carry you with


wherever your purpose has called.  


Why?  IMUA plans to offer electric and hybrid ride share sources!  

IMUA offers an APP for easy download!  

This APP will be: INFORMATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL on how to Travel LIGHT & Leave No Trace!

It is up to ALL of US to Shift into the New Intra-Modal ecoMobility Systems being created today to keep Our Earth Green!  

We are calling in Electric TukTuks for a Unique Open Air, Silent Ride that does all this above!  We offer RideShares with Electric Vehicles owned and operated by our drivers &

We Provide Personal Shopping Service!

When downloading IMUAʻs APP prior to arriving, or even if you are Kamaʻaina, you are supporting a Local Hawaiian Business ecoNomically ~ Go LOCAL!  Keep Hawaii Green! 

It is determined that Shifting into Renewable Energy Sources is extremely important for Hawaii to remain in balance with its ecoLogical sustenance.

The Big Island of Hawaii receives 100,000 to 175,00 visitors MONTHLY!  

In Kokua (cooperation),  IMUA offers the Kuleana (responsibility)

of sharing this shift & choice with you, our ecoTravelers!

In Chosing IMUA as your ride share, you would have made a clear choice & completed

an Even Greater Purpose on your travels to Hawaii, you will be participating in

Hawaiiʻs Clean Energy Initiative

Our Mission

Go Local with noEmissions

Driven in Aloha Spirit!

Contributing to the Shift

Into Renewable Energy Resources Allowing

ecoMobility of Goods & People!

Lessen the Carbon Foot Print


Help Keep Hawaii Clean & Green!



Be PONO! IMUA invites you to share Kuleana! 

Download your APP At:

Mahalo Nui Loa!

The Activators of IMUA! 

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